Sunday, June 3, 2007

copyaspte Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

21. I’ve been called "Jon the vegetarian" because I so frequently eat tofu, vegetarian pizzas, fruit and yogurt for breakfast, et cetera. Actually, I do occasionally have a sausage-and-eggs type breakfast, hot-dog at a friend’s barbecue, et cetera ; I just eat such things occasionally, and in moderation. I call myself a "moderationist," if anything. I try to eat the way I believe our species evolved to eat. (Yes, I am an evolutionist ; no I am not a creationist ; no, I will not go into what I have to say about Biblical Inerrancy Theory in today’s post).

22. I hate bees, wasps, and hornets almost as much as I hate E-coli bacteria and the Ebola virus (I guess I’d be stupid to hate them AS much.)

23. Come to think of it, it’s been awhile since I’ve actually made it out to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, although I do still try to make it out to Winnipeg’s Millennial Library at least a few times a week.

24. I never tire of calling TV the epitome of closed systems ; I believe this to be apt. My same-sex common-law spouse, by nonpareil contrast, really gets into TV shows that I really, really hate. Case in point: Home-renovation "reality" shows ; How does a sapient, consciousness-experiencing human being (especially a studious mind of Rhodes-scholar caliber like my spouse) get excited about Kitchenology 101? Living-room-ology 101? Bathroomology 101? How depressingly mundane. (We’re both into Star Trek DVDs, though, and other sci-fi.)

25. Once, when I was eight years old, I asked "Is three plus two ALWAYS five ? ? ?" (Today, I understand linear equations, logarithms, permutations, combinations, prime numbers, Euclidean geometry, et cetera ; took me a lot of sleepless nights, and I still have yet to demystify Calculus or anything else beyond Grade 12 math at this point in time.)

26. I regard The Wachowski Brothers’ Matrix Trilogy (Keanu Reeves starring as "Neo" , remember?) as being the most holistically all-inclusive allegorization of the human condition that I have thus far encountered. (Yeah, my same-sex common-law spouse and I are both really into the Matrix DVDs.)

27. Love me, love my Winnipeg.



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