Monday, June 25, 2007


kbd ; One of my "disability" "support" workers cancelled her appointment with me this morning at the last possible minute wheee_e_eeee

txt ; This morning, my same-sex common-law spouse asked me "What can run all day and not get tired?" My immediate guess was "A perpetual motion machine." The "correct" answer turned out to be "Your nose."

keygen ; On Saturday, my same-sex common-law spouse was sweet enough to take me out for a nice lunch at a buffet place just outside Winnipeg called "Flying J." I remember having salad with shredded cheese, chicken with bbq sauce (one of my 360-Friends currently has "SAUCE" as a cybernym), peas and carrots, and macaroni and cheese that was somehow better than Kraft Dinner. (Someday I’ll have to post about what a culinary master_chef my same-sex common-law spouse is in our own kitchen.) I remember reminding my same-sex common-law spouse (again) over lunch how to make the somehow subtle distinctions between and the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.

fieldset ; Convenianity is a neologism I have thought up for the worship of modern convenience and evangelizing about customer service (unless someone else has already thought of it first).

frameset ; Workianity is a neologism I have thought up for the conviction that "shxt will not happen if I work harder" and that "no person with a good, solid work ethic is ever poor."

syn ; Churchianity is a word that was already being used a century before I was born. It means empty, hollow, and/or hypocritical liturgy. I often use it to mean the conviction that Hell is axiologically just and ontologically real punishment for all who have a supposed church-deficit in their sensory diet.

dromos ; Anyone who thinks I’m a jerk is entitled to his/her own opinion.

dt ; "Writer’s block" is NOT Inspiration Deficit Disorder. "Writer’s block" is Interpersonal Comprehensibility Deficit Disorder with co_morbid Chronic Social Inhibition. If the pharmaconglomerates want to market ANY kind of pharmacommodities as "treatment" for "Writer’s block," let them market crayons and construction paper.

hr ; If x then y else z or what if w, where w is defined as any bias-obscured lurking variable?


Sunday, June 17, 2007

functioning high pressure with low input

nobr ; Might there be, by any chance, even so much as a remote possibility that Temple Grandin might kinda sorta actually have more brains than Paris Hilton?

abbr ; Would dmg_ctrl make a good abbreviation for damage-control?

img ; Yes, I hate beer, but I am STILL Canadian :)

kbd ; I forget what my typing-speed is, and I never weigh myself either.

multicol ; How the heck DOES my same-sex common-law spouse manage to do that incredible thing our society calls "multi_tasking" anyway?

bdo ; the Best Damn Orgasms come after foreplay.

optgroup ;


Saturday, June 16, 2007

66. Happy Father’s Day :)

67. Is this sentence a question or a metaquestion?

68. Sometimes a ray of empathy shines through the dark clouds of vindictiveness.

69. I’ll be 34 in August, and I’m still eating student-chow (a. k. a. Kraft Dinner).

70. The so-called "Reality" TV shows that my same-sex common-law spouse watches have nothing to do with OUR reality as far as I’m concerned.

71. In my own personal aesthetic philosophy, I think Madonna’s songwriting improved after she studied the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. (She starred as "Evita" remember?)

72. Hot weather in Winnipeg all this past week :)


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

copypste Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

59. What if the four basic food groups were Italian pasta, Indian curry, chocolate cake/mousse, and clam chowder? I bet that would make my same-sex common-law spouse pleased as punch because those are his four favorite foods.

60. Me? I just try to eat the way I believe our species evolved to eat, apart from the odd occasional chocolate-covered coffee-beans binge every two to three months or so. (I like to think that the four basic food groups are caffeine, caffeine, caffeine, and caffeine.)

61. My same-sex common-law spouse is allergic to McDonald’s food (makes him throw up), yet he somehow doesn’t seem to have the same reaction to any other fast food.

62. What if, hypothetically speaking, technologically advanced Martians colonized Earth, relocated all adult Earthlings to inhabitable space stations on the moon, took our children from us, and forced our children to speak Martian and ONLY Martian throughout their formative years ? ? ? If this hypothetical scenario actually took place, who can, in all honesty, convince me that we humans as a species would not INEVITABLY have all the problems and issues that our Aboriginal First Nations demographics have now ? ? ?

63. There’s this aphorism that I really like, which is engraved on a monument in front of the entrance to Winnipeg’s Millennium Library : "He who has both a garden and a library wants for nothing." (Cicero)

64. Can an invisible robot fish perform telekinesis on the subordinate clause of a levitating unicorn? LOL :)

65. I still love Winnipeg, I still love Canada, and I still love my same-sex common-law spouse.


Friday, June 8, 2007

copyspate Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

50. Although I am vaguely aware that different kinds of cars have different shapes, I somehow never learn which car shape to associate with the name Toyota, which car shape to associate with the name Honda, which car shape to associate with the name Ford, which car shape to associate with the name Nissan, which car shape to associate with the name Dodge, which car shape to associate with the name Suzuki, or which car shape to associate with the name Mazda. I do, however, have a knack for memorizing license-plate numbers, registration numbers, phone-numbers, ISBN numbers, UPC codes, et cetera.

51. The idea of getting any tattoos or body piercings never did appeal to me, actually.

52. I refer to articles of clothing as "anti-nakedness devices," and that is exactly what I regard clothes to be, nothing less and nothing more. (I never met a color-combination I didn’t like.)

53. Ironically, I usually tend to be very compulsive about being clean-shaven and having my hair combed and gelled almost every day.

54. Aqua (they did the "Barbie Girl" song, remember?) just never seem to string two notes together without generating another unforgettably punchy new melodic hook. (Is it true that they’re not still together?)

55. I hate how lottery tickets effectively manipulate the wishful thinking of the economically disadvantaged. (At least, that’s how I look at it.)

56. A friend of mine has the cybernym Authority Man 37 at

57. Adherents to Judaism await the FIRST coming of the Messiah, adherents to mainstream Christian denominations await the SECOND coming, and adherents to Mormonism await the THIRD coming (assuming that I understand correctly).

58. I like Reeses’ Pieces better than marshmallow candies.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

copysapte Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

37. The third "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie ("At world’s end") was -for me, personally- more of a fun and entertaining night out at the movies than a fascinating film loaded with endlessly-discussible philosophical content. Anyway, my same-sex common-law spouse and I really had fun going out to the movies and seeing it the other night.

38. I really believe that Albert Einstein should NOT be blamed for the existence of the atomic bomb. It was NOT Einstein’s fault that his insights into our universe were weaponized by the U.S. government. What if we blamed the enhanced precision of ballistic firearms on Sir Isaac Newton?

39. My same-sex common-law spouse is snugglicious, cuddlicious, nurturing, compassionate, and when he’s not burned-out after a long day, he and I both really enjoy having mind-to-mind neurolicious conversations/discussions (converscussions?) together.

40. I really do try not to be too demanding or impose too much on my same-sex common-law spouse, even though I do have hidden special needs.

41. I failed my driving-test seven times, even though I memorized the Driver’s Manual forwards-and-backwards ; it’s been several years since I’ve had an unexpired Learner’s Permit.

42. I got a B in "Introductory Philosophy," which was one of my undergraduate electives ; the professor really liked how skillfully I challenged his own beliefs and assumptions.

43. The trees that we humans evolved to pick fruit from never told us to "GET A JOB."

44. I believe that many (if not most) of our street-gang members could have been valued craftsmen (or court-jesters) had they been born before the SKILL-market crash we call the "Industrial Revolution."

45. I am NOT, nor EVER have I been, a member of the Communist Party. (In fact, Joseph Stalin was a bait-and-switch Machiavellian shxt-fxxker.)

46. Canada Day is coming soon. My same-sex common-law spouse and I both enjoy the fireworks that happen over "The Forks" here in Winnipeg each Canada Day.

47. Over the years, I think I have come to see that patriotism (which I vindictively judged to be an anti-pacifist "brainwashing of mass-destruction" when I was a teen-ager) really can motivate constructiveness and good-citizenship, and become a beautiful form of kinship. In fact, how different can patriotism be from the sense of tribe-loyalty we humans must have needed when we were hunter-gatherers? In fact, over the years I somehow feel that I myself have developed a love for my homeland, my Canada.

48. Over the centuries, may we as Canadians create a better future and a better quality of life for more, not fewer, of our citizens. And may we never forget that every specimen of our species is a citizen of the human race.

49. I really hate movie-theatre popcorn ; makes me thirsty.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

copypsate Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

28. A friend I made at Red River College, named Linda, taught me about the former existence of a kind of animal called a thylacine. This was a kind of carnivorous marsupial (also called a Tasmanian wolf) that apparently went extinct in Australia before I was born.

29. My same-sex common-law spouse saved me some leftovers from a Community Theatre production meeting he went to last night, and I just had them for breakfast this morning.

30. I am a consciousness-experiencing entity ; I am my neural correlates of consciousness, and my neural correlates of consciousness are me.

31. My same-sex common-law spouse is more into board games and card games than I am.

32. Two raised to the fifth power = thirty-two.

33. I believe that ironic possibilities are more likely than miracles.

34. During the summer of 1993, I was in Rainbow Stage’s production of "Fiddler on the Roof."

35. My same-sex common-law spouse says that I have "altruistic sincerity."

36. π ≈ 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 4 3 3 8 3 2 7 9 5 . . .


Sunday, June 3, 2007

copyaspte Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

21. I’ve been called "Jon the vegetarian" because I so frequently eat tofu, vegetarian pizzas, fruit and yogurt for breakfast, et cetera. Actually, I do occasionally have a sausage-and-eggs type breakfast, hot-dog at a friend’s barbecue, et cetera ; I just eat such things occasionally, and in moderation. I call myself a "moderationist," if anything. I try to eat the way I believe our species evolved to eat. (Yes, I am an evolutionist ; no I am not a creationist ; no, I will not go into what I have to say about Biblical Inerrancy Theory in today’s post).

22. I hate bees, wasps, and hornets almost as much as I hate E-coli bacteria and the Ebola virus (I guess I’d be stupid to hate them AS much.)

23. Come to think of it, it’s been awhile since I’ve actually made it out to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, although I do still try to make it out to Winnipeg’s Millennial Library at least a few times a week.

24. I never tire of calling TV the epitome of closed systems ; I believe this to be apt. My same-sex common-law spouse, by nonpareil contrast, really gets into TV shows that I really, really hate. Case in point: Home-renovation "reality" shows ; How does a sapient, consciousness-experiencing human being (especially a studious mind of Rhodes-scholar caliber like my spouse) get excited about Kitchenology 101? Living-room-ology 101? Bathroomology 101? How depressingly mundane. (We’re both into Star Trek DVDs, though, and other sci-fi.)

25. Once, when I was eight years old, I asked "Is three plus two ALWAYS five ? ? ?" (Today, I understand linear equations, logarithms, permutations, combinations, prime numbers, Euclidean geometry, et cetera ; took me a lot of sleepless nights, and I still have yet to demystify Calculus or anything else beyond Grade 12 math at this point in time.)

26. I regard The Wachowski Brothers’ Matrix Trilogy (Keanu Reeves starring as "Neo" , remember?) as being the most holistically all-inclusive allegorization of the human condition that I have thus far encountered. (Yeah, my same-sex common-law spouse and I are both really into the Matrix DVDs.)

27. Love me, love my Winnipeg.


Friday, June 1, 2007

copyapste Would the real neuroaster please stand up?

13. The only cocktails I really, really like have Kahlua in them (I have zero tolerance for beer ; Smirnovs are okay) ; I really only drink anything alcoholic at Christmas and New Year’s ; alcoholic beverages don’t really go with my general-practitioner-prescribed pharmacommodities.

14. I wear ear-plugs at 99-deciBel loud concerts (It’s a musician thing ; in fact, you can actually buy ear-plugs at lots of places that sell musical instruments and sheet music).

15. I’m a really big fan of

16. I often refer to everyday nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. as Neuro-Linguistic Wetware Script ( )

17. Yesterday morning, I noticed that the sun was out, and my same-sex common-law spouse noticed the slight "overcast" more than I did (my same-sex common-law spouse and I have been together for almost five years now ; July 17 will be our 5th anniversary).

18. I am a pacifist (pacifism is an anti-war philosophy ; John Lennon was also a pacifist).

19. I am a strong believer in freedom of opinion and expression as a basic human right.

20. I am a strong believer in Jack Gibb’s "Communication Climate" memeplex as expressed at